We have lift-off!

Welcome to the first edition of my new blog, Ryan Dalton Writes!

I’m a writer and an unabashed geek. In the past, I’ve written comedy blogs, fiction in various forms, and sold a short screenplay. Currently, I’m working on my first YA novel, The Year of Lightning. It’s about people who do things, and other people who do other things. Also, some stuff happens. You should read it (not now, Pushy, when it’s finished).

The point of this blog is to explore the craft and world of writing, to share insight about geek culture, and to talk about what happens when geeks and writing collide (spoiler alert: it’s something awesome). So, what kind of topics can you expect? Some weeks will be straightforward how-to pieces based on my writing experiences. Others will be my thoughts on pop culture from a geek’s perspective. Those could be a reflection on what makes Patrick Rothfuss’ fantasy novels The Kingkiller Series so compelling, what it would take to save the Green Lantern movie franchise, and anything in between that helps us talk about writing from the geek perspective. I’ll also throw in posts that are completely wacky and without purpose, just to keep you on your toes.

Another important goal is to hear from you! I hope you’ll leave comments on my posts, share thoughts and perspectives, and start your own discussions. So, get involved and prove your awesomeness! Any and all feedback is welcome, even (and sometimes especially) if you wholeheartedly disagree. You can also email me at [email protected] and follow me on Twitter at @iRyanDalton. The blogging world is a new one for me, so hang in there with me while I learn the ropes and we’ll have some fun (and possibly dominate the world as we know it).

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